I walked like an old lady. Hunched over and slow as all hell and damn DID I HAVE A BACKACHE. It is amazing how much work our abdomens perform just when standing up straight and when you are relying on everything BUT them it is less than comfortable. And sleeping...uggg...I am a side sleeper. Which was, and still is out of the question. I have to lay on my back with my legs elevated and it is the most annoying thing ever. You would think the pain would keep me from sleeping? No...the lack of being able to sleep on my side kept me from sleeping but I am slowly getting used to it and was given permission to "try" side lying...we will see what happens. When the tubes came out, after a week, I honestly felt like a new person and not a freakish version of a high school science experiment. Showering felt amazing and having the freedom of actually wearing REAL pants as opposed to yoga pants was amazing (okay...so I am still totally living in yoga pants). So, at day 7 (same day I got the tubes removed...which was also the same day Steven came home, therefore making it the best Thursday in recent years) I got to see my tummy steri strip free. I was actually kind of taken back by the bruising, swelling and overall ickified appearance of what once was my stomach. I laid on the table actually thinking "what the hell did I do to myself". But, the thought was transient and quickly left my head as I examined myself in the awkward lighting of the post surgery room and realized ALL--that is right ALL of my stretch marks were gone. And swollen or not, dammit...it looked pretty damn good.
The second week went by pretty darn quickly...mostly because Steven was home and I was on cloud 9...but like anything in my life it didn't go by quickly without incident. Incident 1.) My belly button was dying. Seriously. Okay well, I found out today that it was a hematoma that the doctor sliced open and drained (tmi, I know) but yea...Monday it was dying...but not really. Does that even make sense? LOL.
Incident 2.) Colin slammed Brendans fingers in the door. Brendan screams. Mommy picks up Brendan. Mommy screams. Yea...worst pain since like 4 days post surgery the kind that curls you up in a little bawl and makes you want to punch something.
Thankfully, I didn't tear anything just kinda tugged on my stitches a little but but they are in tact but the area is still rather tender.
I have gone shopping and even with the swelling and abdominal binder one it is INCREDIBLY liberating to have clothes fit right...to not have to worry about my "pooch" showing through something and to not have to worry about my belly sneaking out of the bottom of a shirt. I can see abs...real ones...like ones I haven't seen since I was about 18. It is the most amazing experience ever. EVER. EVER.
I absolutely love my new figure...not that I didn't love the one I have before...but now everything fits. I don't feel oddly seperated from my middle section and I finally feel like I am back to ME!
Anywho...yea...so that is the last two weeks in a nutshell and now here and finally are the results of the tummy tuck. Excuse the red belly button...he was assaulted today...not to mention I had a latex bandaid on him when I am allergic to the crap.

And For Shits and giggles here is my science experiment look.