Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Today is one of those days. Where everyone in my house seems to be screaming as I calmly attempt to maintain my composure. I would much rather scream back, dig a hole somewhere in the front yard and bury my head into it for the remainder of the day.
It doesn't really seem fair that as a SAHM I am forced to be responsible 24/7. I want to cry sometimes too! I would LOVE to take my pants off and throw them down in order to express my discontent with the current situation. There is nothing more that I would like to do then pound my milk cup against the wall while screaming "MO!" at the top of my lungs and have someone refill it...but oh heavens, I am not that lucky. I must be the one to dry the tears, to give hugs and put pants back on their rightful owner and happily fill the milk cups while trying to teach my toddlers that there is no need to yell.
Today is one of those days that rather than hearing the screaming...I would like to be the one doing it. But, sadly, I think such behavior would be incredibly unacceptable. Not to mention I think my neighbors would probaly summons base police to investigate what was going on.
Oh well, now that the thought is lifted, I shall return to my position of mediator, referee, shoulder to cry on, cook, housekeeper and boob

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