Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vaccinations and my little chicken

Let me start by saying I AM NOT AGAINST vaccinations. I DO believe that they serve a purpose. I DO NOT believe that they 'cause' autism. I DO believe that without them we would be facing nationwide epidemics of diseases. I DO NOT believe that parents should choose to forgo vaccinating their children hoping that their child will not be exposed to the condition.

But, I DO believe that there is a certain amount of vaccination education that is being with held from parents. I am sure as a mommy or daddy you have taken your child to receive their well-child check-up are handed a stack of papers regarding the vaccinations your child is about to receive and you tuck them away as you prepare your little one for their shots...not thinking twice about reading them. I know most parents do not question their child's pediatrician and unfortunately, we have become a nation that relies to heavily on others doing what is right for us, our children and our families. I know I never questioned the vaccinations that my children were receiving...I never asked whether or not they were preservative free. Whether they were a combo vaccination. Whether they contained live viruses. (The first time I even considered these questions was while pregnant and debating on the H1N1 vaccination).

But, recently, I have been forced to question these things. Upon returning to Ventura County, after spending a year in Monterey, I was told by my new pediatrician that my boys were behind on their vaccinations and basically told I was a miserable parent for allowing this to happen. Behind? There was no way they were "behind" they were in daycare while I worked. I didn't question whether they were or not and just went along with their "new" catch-up schedule. I listened to their pediatrician tell me they were "missing" their chicken pox vaccination and they were behind on their HIB and MMR. Sure. Okay. Whatever you say. After all you are the doctor.
I knew that my boys vaccination schedule was slightly modified because of their previous pediatricians preference which included delayed chicken pox vaccination to allow time for children to catch the chicken pox which is what he preferred and I felt his reasoning behind such was sound. And I also knew that he had "spacing" between others to allow their bodies time to adjust between individual vaccinations...but I was certain they weren't "behind". When I contacted my previous pediatrician regarding this they told me that they were NOT behind. They were being vaccinated WITHIN CDC guidelines just not on a traditional vaccination schedule. Yet, our current pediatrician said nothing to us about being within guidelines...simply told us we were behind. Either she wasn't happy with our non-traditional approach or knew nothing about the guidelines existing that varied from standards.
At my daughters 8 week appointment, I again, didn't really question the quantity of vaccinations she was receiving (6 in total). She received rotavirus, polio, DTap, Hep B, HIB. PCV. SIX VACCINATIONS!!! I got my stack of papers shoved them into my purse and readied my chicken for her shots. She handled them like a trooper. Then minutes later while attempting to feed her, I felt ever muscle in her petite little body tense up, her eyes rolled into her head and she began projectile vomiting. I am not sure if I yelled for help or just began screaming but within seconds doctors, nurses and a handful of EMT's surrounded my daughter. I couldn't see her as they encircled her. I NEVER felt so helpless. My heart broke a thousand times every time I heard her make a sound and I sat broken. Not knowing at all what to do.
After she was deemed okay but all present parties we sat. I held her so tight not wanting to let go. I couldn't even imagine what havoc just happened in her little body.
That experience as horrible as it was prompted me to get educated. I have read more about, talked to more people regarding and found more information on vaccinations than I have ever wanted to know. And it has also prompted me to advocate not only for myself, but for my children. Though the incident that happened to my daughter occurred within minutes of vaccination the CDC prohibits physicians from saying that any event is caused by the vaccination and instead they must say that there MAY be a correlation between the two. There MAY BE a correlation? I am pretty sure that is a pretty positive cause and effect relationship. But, hey, I am not the US government so I will just go with what they have to say. According to the statistics on the DTap vaccination (the one that the pediatrician suggested may have been responsible for the episode) 170 children have suffered a "major convulsive episode" within minutes of receiving the vaccination within the last 5 years. 1,800 more have suffered from another severe event including: catatonic like state, severe unstoppable crying lasting 3 or more hours, severe vomiting, and other brain reactions. That equals nearly 2000 children suffering a severe reaction...and you know where this was listed on my cheat sheet of sign and symptoms to watch out for? IN FINE PRINT ON THE BOTTOM. Where is says "rarely these symptoms will occur". I understand that putting those effects in bold letters at the top of the page might discourage people from vaccinating their children but it would also force them to understand the risks they are taking. I could care less about "redness, swelling, fatigue and tiredness"...hell, I get that when I get vaccinated.
Like, I said...I DO NOT believe vaccinations should be avoided but I think parents should be fully aware of the risks that they are taking. And should advocate for themselves and their children. I have learned that I can now split up vaccinations, meaning no vaccine will be given as a combo vaccination, I can ask that all vaccinations be preservative free, I can follow the vaccination schedule I CHOOSE not the one dictated by my pediatrician or even the CDC for that matter.
The increase in vaccinations in the last 25 years is remarkable. It is a 260% increase. Not only that but vaccine combinations are NOT tested in their combo form but rather tested individually. It has been questioned whether or not the increase in vaccinations is truly necessary. Vaccines contain a number of HARMFUL substances to humans; including anti-freeze, disinfectants, known Nero-toxins and harmful preservatives. There is a conflict interest between vaccine makers and big government. Vaccinations are big business and big money and because of this information may be clouded along the pipeline and there has been recent concern over the efficacy of vaccinations.
It is up to parents to choose to vaccinate, not to vaccinate, to forgo some vaccinations, to follow their own schedule and NO ONE can force a parent to vaccinate if they are not comfortable.
So, that is my tangent for the day. My children...ALL THREE OF THEM...will now receive their vaccinations independently of each other, They will not be receiving any combo vaccinations and will not be receiving more than 3 vaccinations at any given time. I have educated myself and urge all parents to do so for themselves.

1 comment:

  1. My biggest struggle is trying to verify brands that my Dr. carries and splitting them up. I understand Merck is splitting up the MMR again and it's supposed to be available next year. My dr is ok with my waiting on both Ash & Nathaniel for that. I didn't know they made DTap separately! Do we have to go through the County Health Department?
